Квартира с двумя спальнями в здании El Dorado1
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Аренда до: 01.04.2025
Статус: Продажа / Аренда
Город: Манта - Район Murcielago
Спальни: 2
Санузлы: 2.5
Мебель: да
Площадь: 99.00 m²
Код: D002
Продается квартира в центре города с двумя спальнями, тремя санузлами, общей площадью 98 м кв. Каждая спальня имеет балкон, с которого открывается прекрасный вид на океан. В здании есть бассейн и терраса, охрана 24 часа в сутки. Подземная парковка для одной машины. Здание расположено рядом с городским пляжем и супермаркетами.

Chuck  Hola Nataliya, Is this apartment still available for sale? (23.08.2024)

Hola. Si, esta disponible para venta pero actualmente esta alquilado (23.09.2024)

Thomas  I'm moving to Manta in December from Cuenca. Looking to buy but want to rent first. If still available is HOA included (06.11.2021)

Este departamento esta alquilado por largo tiempo. Esta solo en venta (26.11.2021)

Ted  I like the aprtment.....looking to move after the quarantine from a puebla....Olón.prefer city living but require air conditioning , stove and a refrigerator. I have new beds, mattresses, washer and dryer.....need city life. Can you help? Two men requiring tow brooms and to baths. Thank you. (13.04.2020)

Es departamento totalmente amoblado. Ud puede buscar otras opciones sin mueble en la pagina. (15.04.2020)

Abraham  Is this available for sale (04.03.2020)

Yes, this is available for sale (08.03.2020)

Noah  Hi I am interested in this apartment (03.11.2019)

Dear, the apartment is not available. (06.11.2019)

Carol  Does this apt have air conditioning? Which rooms? Do all showers have hot water? What floor is the apt on? How much are the utilities if that is not included? What is the total move in cost? Is it available June 4-Aug 1, 2016? (10.04.2018)

It has two bedrooms. In all rooms there is air conditioning. It has two showers with hot water. Consumptions are not included. 1kW / h of energy costs $ 0.15, 1m3 of water costs $ 1.80, internet costs $ 23.50. At this time it is available. To reserve you must deposit guarantee value $ 300.00 (11.04.2018)

silvia  Greetings! We are interested in your post of $ 650.00. First, we would like to know is the house is available? Secondly, what is the total move in cost? We do have both dog and cat. We are looking for a 12 month lease, lease to start 10/1/17 (29.05.2017)

Hi. Buildings do not allow pets. You have to find a house for rent (29.05.2017)

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