Business office in Manta Business Center
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Status: Sale
City: Manta - Barrio Murcielago
bedroom: 1
WC: 1.0
Furniture: no
Square: 39.95 m²
Code: O001
For sale offices in Manta Business Center. Price from $ 78,724.00 The proposal for handling Business Center is to generate a reference architectural and urban design for the city, this is accomplished by providing a square or meeting place, allowing the appropriation of space by the user. Manta Business Center consists of two modern towers of 14 floors each with 116 offices ranging from 39.95m2 to 110.35m2, 4 conference rooms that are on the terrace, 6 shops and a cafe. Manta Business Center will feature 2 elevators in each tower, power plant, independent tanks and 4 underground floors of parking.

David  When will the offices be ready to occupy?

Thank you. (15.07.2021)

Ya estan listos todos para ocupacion (19.07.2021)

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Nataliya Taratunina
(099)776-36-22 (+593) 52 677-299
Magic Jack (760) 6598524 nata1970